Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3: Meta Tags

Nuxt 3 provides several different ways to manage your meta tags.

  1. Through your nuxt.config.
  2. Through the useHead composable
  3. Through global meta components

You can customize title, titleTemplate, base, script, style, meta, link, htmlAttrs and bodyAttrs.

Read more about meta tags.


  1. In your nuxt.config, rename head to meta. Consider moving this shared meta configuration into your app.vue instead. (Note that objects no longer have a hid key for deduplication.)
  2. If you need to access the component state with head, you should migrate to using useHead. You might also consider using the built-in meta-components.

Example: useHead

<script>export default {  data: () => ({    title: 'My App',    description: 'My App Description'  })  head () {    return {      title: this.title,      meta: [{        hid: 'description',        name: 'description',        content: this.description      }]    }  }}</script>
<script setup>const title = ref('My App')const description = ref('My App Description')// This will be reactive even you change title/description aboveuseHead({  title,  meta: [{    name: 'description',    content: description  }]})</script>

Example: built-in meta-components

Nuxt 3 also provides meta components that you can use to accomplish the same task. While these components look similar to HTML tags, they are provided by Nuxt and have similar functionality.

<script>export default {  head () {    return {      title: 'My App',      meta: [{        hid: 'description',        name: 'description',        content: 'My App Description'      }]    }  }}</script>
<template>  <div>    <Head>      <Title>My App</Title>      <Meta name="description" content="My app description"/>    </Head>    <!-- -->  </div></template>