
<NuxtPage> is a built-in component that comes with Nuxt. NuxtPage component is required to display top-level or nested pages located in the /pages directory.

<NuxtPage> is a built-in component that comes with Nuxt. NuxtPage component is required to display top-level or nested pages located in the /pages directory.

NuxtPage is a wrapper around <RouterView> component from Vue Router. NuxtPage component accepts same name and route props.

  • name: type: string

name helps RouterView render the component with the corresponding name in the matched route record's components option.

  • route: type: RouteLocationNormalized

route is a route location that has all of its components resolved.

Nuxt automatically resolves the name and route by scanning and rendering all Vue component files found in the /pages directory.

Apart from the name and route, NuxtPage component also accepts pageKey props.

  • pageKey: type: string or function

pageKey helps control when the NuxtPage component is re-rendered.


For example, passing static key, NuxtPage component is rendered only once when it is mounted.

<!-- static key --><NuxtPage page-key=“static” />

Alternatively, pageKey can be passed as a key value via definePageMeta from the <script> section of your Vue component in the /pages directory.

<script setup>definePageMeta({  key: route => route.fullPath})</script>

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Custom props

In addition, NuxtPage also accepts custom props that you may need to pass further down the hierarchy. These custom props are accessible via attrs in the Nuxt app.

<NuxtPage :foobar=“123” />

For example, in above example, value of foobar will be available using attrs.foobar.