Nuxt 2 to Nuxt Bridge

Nuxt Bridge provides access to Composition API syntax. It is specifically designed to be aligned with Nuxt 3. Because of this, there are a few extra steps to take when enabling Nuxt Bridge, if you have been using the Composition API previously.

Composition API

Nuxt Bridge provides access to Composition API syntax. It is specifically designed to be aligned with Nuxt 3. Because of this, there are a few extra steps to take when enabling Nuxt Bridge, if you have been using the Composition API previously.

Using @vue/composition-api

If you have been using just @vue/composition-api and not @nuxtjs/composition-api, then things are very straightforward.

  1. First, remove the plugin where you are manually registering the Composition API. Nuxt Bridge will handle this for you.
    - import Vue from 'vue'- import VueCompositionApi from '@vue/composition-api'-- Vue.use(VueCompositionApi)
  2. Otherwise, there is nothing you need to do. However, if you want, you can remove your explicit imports from @vue/composition-api and rely on Nuxt Bridge auto-importing them for you.

Migrating from @nuxtjs/composition-api

Nuxt Bridge implements the Composition API slightly differently from @nuxtjs/composition-api and provides different composables (designed to be aligned with the composables that Nuxt 3 provides).

Because some composables have been removed and don't yet have a replacement, this will be a slightly more complicated process.

  1. Remove @nuxtjs/composition-api from your project dependencies, and remove @nuxtjs/composition-api/module from your buildModules.
    You don't have to immediately update your imports yet - Nuxt Bridge will automatically provide a 'shim' for most imports you currently have, to give you time to migrate to the new, Nuxt 3-compatible composables, with the following exceptions:
    • withContext has been removed. See below.
    • useStatic has been removed. There is no current replacement. Feel free to raise a discussion if you have a use case for this.
    • reqRef and reqSsrRef, which were deprecated, have now been removed entirely. Follow the instructions below regarding ssrRef to replace this.
  2. Remove any explicit imports of the basic Vue Composition API composables.
    - import { ref, useContext } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api`
  3. For each other composable you are using from @nuxtjs/composition-api, follow the steps below.


This was a type-helper stub function that is now removed.

Remove the defineNuxtMiddleware wrapper:

- import { defineNuxtMiddleware } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api`- export default defineNuxtMiddleware((ctx) => {})+ export default (ctx) => {}

For typescript support, you can use @nuxt/types:

import type { Middleware } from '@nuxt/types'export default <Middleware> function (ctx) { }


This was a type-helper stub function that is now removed.

You may also keep using Nuxt 2-style plugins, by removing the function (as with defineNuxtMiddleware).

Remove the defineNuxtPlugin wrapper:

- import { defineNuxtPlugin } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api`- export default defineNuxtPlugin((ctx, inject) => {})+ export default (ctx, inject) => {}

For typescript support, you can use @nuxt/types:

import type { Plugin } from '@nuxt/types'export default <Plugin> function (ctx, inject) {}


This function has been removed, but its use cases can be met by using useNuxtApp or useState within defineNuxtPlugin. You can also run any custom code within the setup() function of a layout.

- import { onGlobalSetup } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'- export default () => {-   onGlobalSetup(() => {+ export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {+   nuxtApp.hook('vue:setup', () => {      // ...    })- }+ })

ssrRef and shallowSsrRef

These two functions have been replaced with a new composable that works very similarly under the hood: useState.

The key differences are that you must provide a key for this state (which Nuxt generated automatically for ssrRef and shallowSsrRef), and that it can only be called within a Nuxt 3 plugin (which is defined by defineNuxtPlugin) or a component instance. (In other words, you cannot use useState with a global/ambient context, because of the danger of shared state across requests.)

- import { ssrRef } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'- const ref1 = ssrRef('initialData')- const ref2 = ssrRef(() => 'factory function')+ const ref1 = useState('ref1-key', () => 'initialData')+ const ref2 = useState('ref2-key', () => 'factory function')  // accessing the state  console.log(ref1.value)

Because the state is keyed, you can access the same state from multiple locations, as long as you are using the same key.

You can read more about how to use this composable in the Nuxt 3 docs.


This function has been removed, and you will need to find an alternative implementation if you were using it. If you have a use case for ssrPromise, please let us know via a discussion.

useRouter and useRoute

Nuxt Bridge provides direct replacements for these composables via useRouter and useRoute.

The only key difference is that useRoute no longer returns a computed property.

- import { useRouter, useRoute } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'  const router = useRouter()  const route = useRoute()- console.log(route.value.path)+ console.log(route.path)


In order to access Vuex store instance, you can use useNuxtApp().$store.

- import { useStore } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api`+ const { $store } = useNuxtApp()

useContext and withContext

You can access injected helpers using useNuxtApp.

- import { useContext } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api`+ const { $axios } = useNuxtApp()


This helper function is not provided any more but you can replace it with the following code:

const wrapProperty = (property, makeComputed = true) => () => {  const vm = getCurrentInstance().proxy  return makeComputed ? computed(() => vm[property]) : vm[property]}

useAsync and useFetch

These two composables can be replaced with useLazyAsyncData and useLazyFetch, which are documented in the Nuxt 3 docs. Just like the previous @nuxtjs/composition-api composables, these composables do not block route navigation on the client-side (hence the 'lazy' part of the name).

Migrating to the new composables from useAsync:

<script setup>- import { useAsync } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'- const posts = useAsync(() => $fetch('/api/posts'))+ const { data: posts } = useLazyAsyncData('posts', () => $fetch('/api/posts'))+ // or, more simply!+ const { data: posts } = useLazyFetch('/api/posts')</script>

Migrating to the new composables from useFetch:

<script setup>- import { useFetch } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'- const posts = ref([])- const { fetch } = useFetch(() => { posts.value = await $fetch('/api/posts') })+ const { data: posts, refresh } = useLazyAsyncData('posts', () => $fetch('/api/posts'))+ // or, more simply!+ const { data: posts, refresh } = useLazyFetch('/api/posts')  function updatePosts() {-   return fetch()+   return refresh()  }</script>


In order to interact with vue-meta, you may use useNuxt2Meta, which will work in Nuxt Bridge (but not Nuxt 3) and will allow you to manipulate your meta tags in a vue-meta-compatible way.

<script setup>- import { useMeta } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'  useNuxt2Meta({    title: 'My Nuxt App',  })</script>

You can also pass in computed values or refs, and the meta values will be updated reactively:

<script setup>const title = ref('my title')useNuxt2Meta({  title,})title.value = 'new title'</script>

Nuxt Bridge also provides a Nuxt 3-compatible meta implementation that can be accessed with the useHead composable.

<script setup>- import { useMeta } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api'  useHead({    title: 'My Nuxt App',  })</script>

You will also need to enable it explicitly in your nuxt.config:

import { defineNuxtConfig } from '@nuxt/bridge'export default defineNuxtConfig({  bridge: {    meta: true  }})

This useHead composable uses @vueuse/head under the hood (rather than vue-meta) to manipulate your <head>. Accordingly, it is recommended not to use both the native Nuxt 2 head() properties as well as useHead, as they may conflict.

For more information on how to use this composable, see the Nuxt 3 docs.