
Nuxt 3 is fully typed and provides helpful shortcuts to ensure you have access to accurate type information when you are coding.


By default, Nuxt doesn't check types when you run nuxi dev or nuxi build, for performance reasons. However, you can enable type-checking at build or development time by installing vue-tsc and typescript as devDependencies and either enabling the typescript.typeCheck option in your nuxt.config file or manually checking your types with nuxi.

yarn nuxi typecheck

Auto-generated types

When you run nuxi dev or nuxi build, Nuxt generates the following files for IDE type support (and type checking):


This file contains the types of any modules you are using, as well as the key types that Nuxt 3 requires. Your IDE should recognize these types automatically.

Some of the references in the file are to files that are only generated within your buildDir (.nuxt) and therefore for full typings, you will need to run nuxi dev or nuxi build.


This file contains the recommended basic TypeScript configuration for your project, including resolved aliases injected by Nuxt or modules you are using, so you can get full type support and path auto-complete for aliases like ~/file or #build/file.

Read more about how to extend this configuration.

Stricter checks

TypeScript comes with certain checks to give you more safety and analysis of your program.

Once you’ve converted your codebase to TypeScript and felt familiar with it, you can start enabling these checks for greater safety (read more).

In order to enable strict type checking, you have to update nuxt.config:

export default defineNuxtConfig({  typescript: {    strict: true  }})