Static Hosting

There are two ways to deploy a Nuxt application to any static hosting services:

  • Static site generation (SSG) prerenders every route of your application at build time. For every page, Nuxt uses a crawler to generate a corresponding HTML file.
  • Using ssr: false to produce a pure client-side output.


Use the nuxi generate command to build your application. The HTML files will be generated in the .output/public directory.

npx nuxi generate

Client-side only rendering

If you don't want to prerender your routes, another way of using static hosting is to set the ssr property to false in the nuxt.config file. The nuxi build command will then output an index.html entrypoint like a classic client-side Vue.js application.

defineNuxtConfig({  ssr: false})


You can manually specify routes that Nitro will fetch and prerender during the build.

defineNuxtConfig({  nitro: {    prerender: {      routes: ['/user/1', '/user/2']    }  }})