
Nuxt 3 supports composables/ directory to automatically import your Vue composables into your application using auto-imports!

Composables directory

Nuxt 3 supports composables/ directory to automatically import your Vue composables into your application using auto-imports!

Under the hood, Nuxt auto generates the file .nuxt/auto-imports.d.ts to declare the types.

Be aware that you have to run nuxi prepare, nuxi dev or nuxi build in order to let Nuxt generates the types. If you create a composable without having the dev server running, typescript will throw an error Cannot find name 'useBar'.


Method 1: Using named export

export const useFoo = () => {  return useState('foo', () => 'bar')}

Method 2: Using default export

// It will be available as useFoo() (camelCase of file name without extension)export default function () {  return useState('foo', () => 'bar')}

Usage: You can now use auto imported composable in .js, .ts and .vue files

<template>  <div>    {{ foo }}  </div></template><script setup>const foo = useFoo()</script>

How files are scanned

Nuxt only scans files at the top level of the composables/ directory for composables.

For example:

composables | - useFoo.ts // scanned | - index.ts // scanned | - nested | --- utils.ts // not scanned

Only composables/useFoo.ts would be searched for imports.

To get auto imports for nested modules, you could either reexport them (recommended) or configure the scanner to scan nested directories:

Example: re-export the composables you need from the composables/index.ts file:

// Enables auto import for this exportexport { useBaz } from './nested/useBaz.ts'

Example: Scan nested directories inside composables:

export default defineConfig({  // ...  autoImports: {    dirs: [      // Scan composables from nested directories      'composables/**'    ]  }})